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We don't know what we do, when we don't know

                                                  ~Christel Veldtman ~

This programme is twofold and starts at your beginning, where ever that beginning is for you at this present moment. It is geared to help you, the prospective parents-to-be with first getting to know who you are as an adult individual. Do you and your significant other know what your values are, individually as well as collectively?  Because those are the values that you will be raising your child with, and through which you will be forming and shaping his life. Are you on the same page when it comes to consciously raising your infant as an individual from birth? Do you both have the same vision for your life and that of your child and your family?


It’s about parents gaining the knowledge of how to parent their child as an individual from birth, getting to know him/her up close and personal and gaining the skills to parent more consciously & effectively taking into consideration the uniqueness of their child.


In addition it is also for parents that are struggling to parent through the different ages and stages of their children’s lives and who may be experiencing a disparity between their personality or parenting style and their child’s temperament.


There is no perfect parent, nor a perfect child.  The parenting process is as much for your development as it is for that of the child. When you open yourself up to this way of conscious parenting, you are able to parent more effectively.


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