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Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention  Deficit  & Hyperactivity Disorder

The Invisible Impediment

When some 20 odd years ago my son was diagnosed with ADHD I felt as though I had been hit by a bus. In those years medical professionals were flying by the seat of their pants, or so it seemed to me and there was not much guidance given to the parents.


In the beginning we were so overwhelmed by what we didn’t know that we grabbed onto anything that any professional threw our way. It was then that I realised we had to take matters into our own hands.  I started doing as much research as I could, attended seminars and learnt one very hard but valuable lesson...


My son was an individual, although he had been diagnosed with a disorder that affected countless children, he was my son, made up of his father’s and my genes. He was unique in how he was ‘put together’ and that was when I started paying attention to him as a little boy, a human being, an individual and realising that at 6 he had no control over his behaviour.  This was going to be a learning journey for both child and parent.


At New Beginnings we will assess where you and your child find yourselves at present. Together we will look at the current obstacles you and your child face be it fear, embarrassment, disappointment, low self-esteem etc. Once the obstacles have been navigated we will set routines, goals and coping techniques that work for each individual in your family.


One fact is certain. Where there is an ADD/ADHD child in the family, the entire family system is affected and because of this, the system requires total restructuring. Many times the family will attempt to ‘fix’ the child, which doesn't work. The solution lies in revamping the complete family structure with the input, understanding and participation of all family members.

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