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'Divorce is a painful solution to an otherwise unsolvable problem'


Having navigated the first 12 years of my life in a single parent household due to divorce, I speak from experience when I say it was not always easy for both my mom and I.  It was a time when the “D” word was not as accepted as it is today.  For my mom it was a life of financial struggles and worry about me as she had to work a full time job and I was left to my own devices after school. She had to try and navigate a social life that always included me and through all this she was the most awesome mom any girl could ever wish for.  She did a good job at hiding her struggles to shield me.  I felt love and protected until she decided to put me into boarding school in a neighbouring town at the age of 8.


From my point of view I felt deserted, scared and wondered what I had done wrong to be sent away. It’s safe to say I had abandonment issues till well into my 30’s. When I started working through them I spoke to her about it and her explanation was simple. “You are my child, I love you and I had to do everything I could to protect you”.  She was worried about me walking back from school every day and being alone at home until she got back from work.


And herein lays the crux of the matter.  Had she communicated her reasons to me, I would have understood that I had not done anything wrong, was not a burden or that I was being punished. Many years later, at the age of 29 I myself got divorced with  children that were 5 and 6 at the time.  With the little bit of insight I had, I tried to navigate my children and I through a very difficult process.


Although single parenting is very common in the world we live in today and many woman and men have a full-time job, sometimes two, run a household, raise children and attempt to have a social life, there are many aspects to being a successful single parent that can be extremely difficult, disappointing, frustrating and often challenging.


New Beginnings' coaching  programme incorporates the following:


  1. As a Single Parent the focus is on you the individual, what your challenges are, empowering you to optimize your situation to become more engaged, fulfilled, effective, productive and confident.


  2. I also work with your child/ren that are being raised in a single parent household.  Working with your children, assisting them with the challenges they face is vitally important and goes a long way towards easing their stress and making life happier.


  3. Individuals that are contemplating divorce or are in the throes of a divorce.  It cannot be stressed enough that when you have children and this is what you are going through, You.Need.A.Well.Planned.Exit.Map!


     After death, divorce is one of the most stressful events a parent or child will ever have to deal with in their lifetime.  How you go about it is crucially important to the child’s overall well-being. A loving, responsible parent and adult will handle the divorce in a planned, organized fashion with their children. In so doing you will be giving yourself and your child/ren the greatest gift.

Other than divorce, people are single parents for a variety of reasons:

  • The death of a partner 

  • They have never been married

  • Artificial insemination

  • Are fostering

  • Adoption

~TJ, aged 15~

Ah-ha moment


It's not the divorce itself that destroys the children but rather how the parents divorce, and how they rebuild the two new family units.

Healing the hurt, restoring the hope ~ Suzy Yehl Marta

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