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 Myth #1:  Life Coaching can only happen on a face-to-face basis.


Skype, email, telephone, WhatsApp or Facebook calling is just as effective as face-to-face sessions. Coaching children from the age of 6/7 to 13 happens on a one-to-one basis. Each child, parent and family is unique so the ages and circumstances might differ.


Myth #2: As a Life Coach I am an untrained Psychologist    

The professions are completely different. Each is distinct from the other in terms of aims, methods, and focus. I am not qualified to treat mental health and emotional disorders. There are clients who see a Psychologist for depression and coach with me to focus on the facets of their life where they are strongly motivated to take action and effect change.

Coaching sessions do not focus on the past. It’s about where you find yourself at present and what we need to do together to get you where you want to be. It’s teamwork.  It’s a partnership.

Therapy is about uncovering and recovering, while coaching is about determining and establishing.


Myth #3: Life Coaching is for those who are experiencing significant life issues or crises

Life coaching is not limited to those who are experiencing immediate considerable ‘issues’ or crises. In addition I also assist those that are living a happy, normal life, but wish to grow in another aspect of their life interconnected to their self worth, self love or self confidence, for example.


 Myth #4: Life coaching is fanciful and doesn’t lead to actual results

As a Life Coach I assist people in improving their performance and enhancing the quality of their lives. I am trained in the areas of listening, observing and customizing my approach to the client’s individual needs. I seek to draw solutions and strategies from the client as I work from the basis that every client is naturally innovative and capable. My job is to provide support to enhance the skills, resources and creativity that you, the client already has.

Together you and I discuss any difficulties or barriers that you are experiencing. We dig deep for solutions and ways in which to move you forward and set realistic but challenging goals that are in alignment with what you want to achieve.


Myth #5: Life coaches will tell you how to ‘fix’ your life

A coach that is worth their weight in gold will most certainly not tell you how to ‘fix’ your life. I won’t tell you what course you should enrol in, what job you should get, whether you should get a divorce, or what your purpose is.

Instead, I as your coach will ask you powerful questions that will get you to think differently, be open to new ideas, and trigger ‘ah-ha’ moments of clarity and insight. With the support of a life coach, you will be the hero of your own story and discover ‘the answers’ that are already inside of you.


Myth #6: Life coaches are unjustly expensive

Like most services and products, the price tag of engaging a life coach varies significantly, as do their inclusions and experience. In addition to this, many coaches structure their fees differently to other professions – for example a ‘per month’ rather than a ‘per hour’ rate. When you engage  my services the work I do often extends beyond the one hour consultation per week that you experience. I have preparation work to do before and after sessions, and also make myself available via email in between sessions. I know that personally, if I were to divide my monthly fee by the number of hours I put into my clients that we would both likely be very surprised at the number that shows up on the calculator!

Adding to this, I think that it is important to consider ‘expensive in comparison to what?’ I believe that engaging a life coach is an investment in yourself, your child and your family – you are paying for a transformation, a life change, personal growth, or perhaps clarity and direction. How much would it cost you if you, your child or your family didn’t experience that transformation? Can you put a monetary value on what this is worth?


When raising adults you are in the business of constructing & reconstructing relationships that suport & nurture individuals to adulthood.  It's about being proactive, more skilled, more realistic and more effective.  It's for those who wish to retrofit their relationships with deeper respect, understanding, acceptance & love.

"Every conscious moment is a learnable moment for both parent and child"

Christel Veldtman

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