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Do we really know what we are doing or are we just flying by the seat of our pants?

Contrary to popular belief we are not raising children. We are raising the adults of tomorrow, or at least, we should be.


Here’s the dilemma….


If we spend 18-20 years raising children, we will by the time we are done, end up with children or at best immature, irresponsible adults who are completely unprepared for the real world.


 I think we can all agree on one thing as a starting point. Parents, children and young people are in trouble. Some find themselves on different levels of anger, fear, violence, sadness, hopelessness and unhappiness. They are struggling to cope with everyday happenings and misunderstandings.


“It’s safe to say the many of our children reach adulthood with a serious deficit of life skills.  They enter their adult years emotionally impotent, unable to cope with pressure, socially unskilled, scholastically under prepared, spiritually undernourished.” Jim Hancock.


And so from generation to generation the cycle continues. We have dreams to have children.  Our parents, family and friends who has been ‘there’ tell us of difficulties we are going to face and we all think……”That might be you, but it is definitely not going to be me. I’ve got this.  I know what I am doing”.  Do you really?  Have you done the homework or is your plan to handle “things” as they come up?



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