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I'm Christel Veldtman and I am a life coach for kids, parents and families. My mission is to help you improve, your experience, of your life's journey.

I empower children to understand themselves better, build relationships with others, manage difficult situations and emotions, improve their self-esteem, and help them build resilience and positive coping mechanisms to name but a few.


My non-judgemental work with parents and families involves them gaining the skills to parent more consciously and effectively, taking into consideration the uniqueness of their individual child, their personality or parenting approach and their child’s character.

My journey

My journey began some 50 years ago in a quaint town Moorreesburg, South Africa. That is a half century of my life’s experience – much of which cannot be bought or taught. On reflection what led me to life coaching is having experienced a life that incorporates all the areas that I now coach. 

I know the challenges of growing up with a single parent. The experience I gained in being integrated into a blended family when my mother remarried.  At the tender age of 18 I found my world turned inside out by the death of someone significant in my life. I got married and later had a vivacious and beautiful baby girl on my mother’s birthday, her first grandchild, and one year later I was once again blessed, this time with a sweet, screaming energetic boy! After ten years my marriage ended and it was once again time to adapt.  To make things a little more interesting my son was diagnosed with ADHD and Dyslexia which was a rollercoaster ride I was not expecting.  My metal was severely tested and I had to empower myself with knowledge as, no support was available at the time. I am happy to say that  after a very long journey of navigating him and our family through that maze it turned out well. I met, fell in love and married the man of my dreams, and introduced my children to a blended family of their own which included three older brothers.


Throughout my life I have managed to navigate through difficult times with skill and belief that no matter what I was facing, I could and would always land on my feet through sheer determination. I can’t help to think how much easier it would have been if I had had a life coach.…

Every path I have followed and every choice made has led me to realise that Life Coaching is where I want to be – the desire to empower kids and parents to navigate their life with less stress and more success is where I can make the most difference.

I am proud to have qualified as an accredited Life Coach gaining my diploma with distinction through the Blackford Institute which is based in the UK, Australia and South Africa.

Describing me

Let me answer that by sharing my core values which are the guiding principles that dictate my behaviour and actions.  It is the compass that I navigate my life by:

I am…

  • Respectful – It is a quality I find vital in both myself and others and forms the basis of all good and positive relationships.

  • Dependable – Once I have made a commitment to you, I will follow it through and consistently produce a high standard of work.

  • Dedicated – This is a quality intrinsic to my character and will become apparent whilst we work towards you reaching the goals you have set for yourself.

  • Honest – For me being honest is having integrity, being truthful, fair, loyal and sincere.

  • Innovative – I am continuously learning and willing to embrace everything that improves my life as a person.

  • Humorous – Life is just better when you’re laughing.

  • Positive – Understanding that every thought creates, makes for a powerful argument to concentrate on the positive.

  • Inspiring – I endeavour towards inspiring others to take action and positively do something that they may have previously considered unattainable.

  • Open-minded – What a privilege to be open-minded and not be shackled by limiting ideas and beliefs.


I love my life which includes my husband, our children and their significant others, the blessing of our 6 beautiful grandchildren, my friends and family that have been on this journey with me and, the people that cross my path and thereby enrich my life experiences.


I see my strengths as being efficient, educated, intuitive, creative, courageous, highly motivated, empowered and loyal.


My interests - Give me a paintbrush, paper, any article or piece of furniture that needs (or doesn’t) upcycling or recycling and I’m in my happy place. My house is not just a house; it’s my home. It reflects so much of whom I am… fun, quirky and also my serious side. My exercise of choice is walking, I find it not only grounds me, but allows me ‘me’ time when I need to clear my head.


I am passionate about my work.  I love being a coach for kids and watching them develop and gain self-confidence as we work together. It is so rewarding to see them implement new ideas, gain skills, change negative situations into positive ones and see them becoming more empowered. A slight change to the way a child perceives and thinks has a large impact on their life. I show them that there are different ways to problem solving.


Having a single mother sit in front of me totally stressed out with a difficult ex-husband, the stress of single parenting and observing as we work how she grows in herself and becomes more confident in dealing with all the different dynamics of her life is extremely rewarding. Having her say to me “I can never thank you enough”, is what makes my work so gratifying.


It’s all about helping those who desire a better life than the one they are currently experiencing. It’s about caring and sharing.  It’s about paying it forward and most of all; it’s about changing and enhancing one life at a time. 


We are all travellers.  It’s up to each one of us to decide how well equipped we are for this journey.  The ride will include moments of pure exhilaration - those cabriolet, wind-in-the-hair experiences, laced with laughter, fun and happiness. But, as with everything, there will be unexpected mechanical malfunctions, a flat tyre, running out of fuel, or getting lost on the journey.


The key question you need to answer is will you have the skill, the attitude and the knowledge to cope with these little hick-ups on your journey of life? You are behind the wheel, driving to your destination; I am your navigator, helping you to reach your destination, tyres screeching and saying “What a fabulous ride”!

Together with my life’s journey, my experience, uniqueness, imperfections and qualifications I am able to glean insight, empathise and ask the probing and essential questions that will move you or your child forward toward your destination with ability, skill, assurance and confidence.


Thank you for visiting my corner of the Internet and sharing my journey. Fill in your details below and let’s meet!

Ah-ha moment


When you establish a destination by defining what you want, then take physical action by making choices that move you towards that destination, the possibility for success is limitless and arrival at the destination is inevitable.”


~ Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free  ~

Ready for your journey to begin? Contact me!


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Western Cape

South Africa

Mobile: +27 760697384

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